Judo is a very physically demanding, close contact sport, and it is vital that you take care of yourself as well as your training partners. We want every member who comes to class to have FUN, but above all, to be SAFE. Here are just a few rules and expectations to follow that will help you enjoy an injury free judo career. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
The following dojo rules apply to all members at all times.
Endeavor to build your character. Show respect to all.
Be faithful in your study with end-to-end commitment.
Cultivate courage and tenacity. Seek balance, harmony, and integration.
Attach great importance to etiquette.
Be wary of foolishness. Exercise radical responsibility.
Student Expectations:
Everyone (instructors, coaches, classmates, parents, and guests) will treat each other with respect and courtesy. Always respect someone with higher rank. Students are expected to be polite, respectful, and demonstrate humility at all times.
Always address the instructors appropriately in the dojo. Pay attention to instructors at all times.
Always treat your fellow players with respect and dignity, and avoid all horseplay before, during, and after class.
Always bow when entering or leaving the dojo, before stepping on or off the mat, at the opening and closing of each class, and before and after working with a partner. Bows should be performed with respect and humility; they should be slow and steady, never rushed.
As a member, you represent the public image of the club outside of the dojo. Students are expected to act accordingly, with respect, and as a role model to others within the community.
Always arrive on time and mentally prepared for class. Students are encouraged to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before class begins, and should strive to never miss practice.
Always seek to practice with higher-ranking opponents or the instructors. This is how you get better.
Always try your best. If you fail, try again. Never use the word can’t.
Always ask permission before leaving the mat area.
Report all injuries to an instructor immediately. When arriving to class with an injury, notify an instructor prior to the start of class.
Always do your best in school and any thing you do in life. Judo is an extracurricular privilege, and schoolwork always comes first. (Parents, if grades start to drop, please let the instructor know.)
Keep the dojo clean and neat at all times.
Water bottles are permitted in designated areas off the mat. No food, drinks, or chewing gum are allowed on the mat.
Judo techniques should only be practiced and taught in the dojo under the guidance of a qualified judo instructor, except in legitimate self-defense situations.
Any club member who starts a fight or encourages an altercation between others will be disciplined and may be expelled from the club.
Etiquette & Personal Hygiene:
If you are ill, have a fever or a contagious infection, please do not come to class. Stay home, rest, and get better. You may contact an instructor to let them know that you will not be in class.
Make sure your gi and workout clothes are cleaned and properly maintained, no holes or tears. Wear the appropriate gi. Women/girls wear a white t-shirt under the jacket, tucked into the pants. Men/boys do not wear a shirt under the jacket. Rash guards or Under Armour are permissible to wear at practice, but are not allowed in tournaments.
Keep your body clean. Wash your hands at the very least, or take a bath/shower before class, if needed. Wear deodorant or antiperspirant. Brush your teeth or use mouthwash.
Keep your feet clean and dry. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed short.
Shoes are not allowed on the mats; however, wear sandals or slippers or ankle socks while off the mat during bathroom and water breaks.
Remove all jewelry prior to class, including watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, nose rings, lip rings, etc.
Long hair should be tied back with a hair band. Hard clips, metal or plastic, are not permitted.
Students are expected to sit in proper fashion, anza or seiza, when resting or listening to instruction. Do not talk while standing in line-up or while instruction is taking place.
Always be courteous. Hot tempers, teasing, bullying, and offensive language are not permitted and will not be tolerated.
Seek to help each other and be responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of others. Higher ranking students should help lower ranking students adhere to all matters of protocol and etiquette.
Parent Expectations:
Parents or adult guardians should accompany their minor children to and from class. Please come into the building to pick up your children so we can see with whom they leave. This is for your children's safety.
Parents should make every effort to bring their children to practice regularly and on time.
Parents should refrain from interacting in any way with their children, with the instructor, or with other students during class.
Parents should contact the instructor if there is any issue or problem with their children, or with other students.
Coach Expectations:
Safety first, last, always
Teach age and skill appropriate techniques.
Train all students to the best of your abilities.
Promotions are based on attendance, attitude during training, ability, and progress since last promotion.