Club Membership: Membership with HachiSakura Judo Club Inc is free. There are no mat fees, no class fees, and there are no required membership fees, other than your annual AAU Judo membership (explained below). I am donating my time to teach judo to those who want to learn, because I love judo, and I only wish to introduce as many people as possible to this great sport. However, if you can afford to contribute, please consider monthly, quarterly, annual, or one-time voluntary membership dues in any amount to HachiSakura Judo Club Inc. All voluntary membership contributions will be graciously accepted and will be deposited into an account and used solely to operate and benefit the club or to purchase new mats, supplies, equipment, or other necessities, or maybe one day to purchase or build our own dojo.
NOTE: Contributions and donations made to a non-profit social/recreational club under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code are not tax-deductible to the individual making the contribution.
There are three types of club membership:
Regular Senior Membership:
18 years of age or older
permanently or temporarily reside in the Four Corners region of Colorado
maintain active status with AAU Judo (includes background screening)
hold any rank in judo
Regular Junior Membership:
8 to 17 years of age with signed permission from a parent or legal guardian
permanently or temporarily reside in the Four Corners region of Colorado
maintain active status with AAU Judo
hold any rank in judo
Temporary Non-affiliated Membership:
any age
permanently or temporarily reside in the Four Corners region of Colorado
may be an active member of the AAU, USJA, USJF or USA Judo
hold any rank in judo
Temporary Non-affiliated memberships are valid for up to three months (90 days). After 90 days, you must obtain active status with the AAU and become a Regular Senior or Junior member to continue to enjoy club privileges.
Registration: To register for judo classes at HachiSakura Judo Club Inc, each member will need to complete and sign a Membership Application form and a Liability Waiver. For students who are under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must also sign the forms. Membership will not be granted, and no student will be allowed to train on the mats until these forms have been submitted. These forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link below or at the bottom of this page and will also be available at the dojo.
HSJC Membership Application & Liability Waiver
AAU Judo Membership: All Regular Senior and Junior members of HachiSakura Judo Club Inc are required to register with the AAU. The AAU membership fee is $34 per year for adults and $22 per year for youth, and can be completed online by clicking the link below. The primary reason for this requirement is because active membership with the AAU provides each student with Accident & Liability insurance and thereby provides the club with liability insurance coverage as well.
Uniforms: A judo gi (uniform) is required and can be purchased through the club at wholesale pricing. I do not sell gis for profit - my cost is your cost. Depending on the quality, size, and color, prices range from $30 to $80 plus shipping. For juniors and non-competitors, a single weave judo gi will be sufficient. For seniors and serious competitors, I do recommend a double weave gi, which is generally thicker, stronger, and longer-lasting. Click on the image of the gi below to visit FujiSports and check out their selection of Fuji brand judo gis. If you see something that interests you, let me know and I can look up the price and/or order it for you. You are welcome to provide your own gi, but it must be a grappling style gi suitable for judo or Brazilian jujitsu. The color of your gi is not a factor; however, if you plan to compete in tournaments, you will need a white gi that complies with IJF rules. Please ask me if you have any questions.